Since our very first press release of October 18, 2010, which we’ll consider the official launch of our asphalt shingle recycling efforts, we have just updated figures of 246.03 tons of roof tear off recycled. Most of that went directly into hot asphalt mix to pave roads, parking lots and driveways here in New England. While we’re very proud of these numbers, it has been a long and challenging effort, and we’re hoping to accelerate these efforts, mainly through consumer awareness.
We are hoping for a big boost with our next appearance on the A&E Channel’s hit show Flipping Boston. This episode is focused on our efforts at recycling and making people aware that nearly 100% of ALL construction debris can be recycled or reused. Look for that to air very soon, and we will have updates on our website for an exact date, so keep an eye out.
The most important thing you can do for Earth Day when it comes to home improvement is ask your contractor to ensure that they use a container company that recycles for your construction debris. We will be adding a list of these container companies to our website in the coming day and we encourage you to pass this information along to anyone you know with a home improvement project in the plans or the works. It will make a really big difference for Mother Earth!